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1995 Halloween:

Hallowe'en was just too much fun this year! My friends and I decided to have some fun with the little devils that came around. One of my business partners is 37, has a 10 year old son, and owns an actual house. (Woa! Imagine that.)

The cast:

Behan Webster; Andrew Beere; Richard, Gina, & Jonathan Cook; and, of course, Brian White (me)

The layout:

Hanging the Monster

We started off with a stuffed dummy hanging in front of the garage by a noose around his neck. It was obviously fake. As they came around the corner to the door, however, things got more interesting. Behan had a skeleton costume with a glow-in-the-dark "Jason" hockey mask on. There was also a red/white spinning light (like you'd see on a police car), a Jacob's ladder, and several pumpkins with nice evil grins. The real eye-catcher, though, was the other hung body suspended directly in front of the porch where the candy was located. This one was much more realistic with a good monster mask, gorilla hands, 5 arrows sticking out of its chest, and a noose around its neck. A couple of the smaller kids wouldn't even come to the door without their parents!

The absolute best, though, was the faces of the older kids when they approached only to have the creature growl and lunge at them from its perch! You see, it really was a real person. Andrew did it for about 30 mins at first, but got sick from the pressure of the harness by which he was suspended. I took his place after that for the next hour. I avoided getting sick by standing on a ladder when there were no kids around.


There were several events over the course of the night that are worth mentioning. Waiting for some kiddies

New Monster

All in all, it was very satisfying. Of course, next time they will be expecting that so we'll have to do something different.

Anybody want to bring their kids to our neighborhood next year?


This original text was written by Brian White. The pictures were taken by Gina Cook, and this web page was put together by Behan Webster.

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Copyright © 1995 Spook Crew, All rights reserved.

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